Hawaii Movies

How to Setup Your Beach Office

When I am at the Maui Mana Kai, I set up my office right on the beach using my WiFi wireless internet connection. I get so many questions about the proper way to set up the beach office, I put together this self-help movie.

Maui Sunset at the Mana Kai Maui

It is traditional, in Hawaii, that as the sun sets into the deep blue pacific ocean to blow the conch shell. This attempt from the beach lawn in front of the world famous www.mauimanakai.com will flabbergast or possibly awe you!

Click Here to See Mana Kai Grounds Panarama

Requires Quicktime

Heaven: Images of Big Beach set to the tune of that soon to be musical hit "Heaven" by Deborah Thacker of DebMusic (www.debmusic.com). Requires Flash.